Tuesday, March 8, 2011


In the main channel (sumshumna) there is etheric energy centers (chakras), namely:...

  1. Base chakra (muladhara) located at the threshold of the tail bone. 
  2. Sex chakra (swadisthana) located on the genitals. 
  3. Navel chakra (Nabhi) located at the navel. 
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata) is located in the middle of the chest between the nipples. 
  5. Throat chakra (visudha) located in the throat, a few millimeters below the vocal cords. 
  6. The third eye chakra (jnana) which is located between the eyebrows. 
  7. Crown chakra (sahasrara) located at the top of the head (the crown).
In addition to the above major chakras there are many other minor chakras which are part of the main chakras that have been mentioned above ...!!!

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