It's obvious interest in many of the Kundalini is because the positive aspects of Kundalini. Since the beginning of his resurrection, Kundalini provides enhanced spiritual and extra energy. Stepping up sushumna, Kundalini will reach the chakras contained in sushumna. Once the chakras are opened and cleaned, the psychic ability of the chakra will begin on, for example:
- clairvoyance : the vision is unlimited on space, matter, time and dimension.
- clairaudience : hearing is unlimited on space and dimension.
- psychometry : "see" objects that touched every history.
- astral travel : out of the physical body and traveling with the subtle body.
While people associate the power of Kundalini East with a variety of psychic abilities, Westerners associate with the genius of the Kundalini energy. This is because each psychic abilities that function optimally in a person makes that person has knowledge that is very unusual. It is believed that Mozart get most his simpony to "hear" the music directly from the psychic universe. Similarly, Einstein's theory of relativity to get by "seeing" psychic experiments in which at that time still not done with existing technology. Ability to deal directly with the universe as a psychic to make a person has knowledge that far exceeds the ordinary people. But, in general, each person tends to learn or know different things. Depending on the desires that exist, things that are acquired through vision, hearing, or psychological guidance is different for each person ...!!!
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